2024 Rivermont Ave

  • Middle Rivermont
Property Name
William Christopher Ivey House
Date Built
J. M. B. Lewis
Single Family
Style & Architectural Description
Transitional Queen Anne/Colonial Revival. Impressive, 2 1/2-story, brick and stone with hipped roof, rounded projecting bays on the south and west. Porte-cochere is on the east. Large wraparound porch has curved ends, paired Corinthian columns and pedimented entrance bay. There is a secondary structure: Large 4-bay, 1-story Classical Revival-style garage with slate roof altered in the late 1910s by architect Stanhope Johnson.
  • 1903-1935 Unknown
  • 1935-1942 L. C. Acree
  • 1942-1966 Janie Hickey Royer
  • 1966-1968 Louise R. Crawley
  • 1968-1991 John D. & Clara Lea Dempsey
  • 1991-1995 W & S Investments
  • 1995-2000 Stephen E. Dunn
  • 2000-2003 Stephen E. & Tracy L. Dunn 2003 Tracy L. Dunn
  • 2003-2005 Michael G. & Pamela S. Browne
  • 2005-2015 Marilyn J. & Philip H. Riehl 
  • 2015-Present Stephen Earnest and Bobbi Lee Chester (from city directories until 2014) 1941-1947: Maisie Graves, music teacher; 1948-1997: residence; 1998: Lynchburg Land & Title Co.; 1999-2001: residence; 2002: not verified; 2003-2014: residence
Anecdotal Information
Photo 1: Ivey family children: L-R (back) Edwin Clarke Ivey, Jr., Emma Ivey; L-R (front) Robert Kean Ivey, Celeste Taylor Ivey, William Christopher Ivey, II Photo 2: recent image ********************************************************************************************* William Christopher Ivey was born in Powhatan Courthouse on 22 April 1843, and died 23 November 1924 in Lynchburg. When he was a young boy, his parents moved to Lynchburg where his father Thaddeus Henry Ivey practiced law. William C. graduated from Lynchburg College at the age of 17. Shortly after graduation, William joined the Confederate Army and served for the duration of the war. After the surrender, William returned to Lynchburg and took up law at the urging of his father. He studied law at UVa, graduating in 1869. William became a partner in practice with his uncle; however, William had distaste for the practice of law. He entered the tobacco business and, with his partners, operated the Ivey and Owen Company—snuff manufacturers—for 20 years. The snuff company was the source of much of the Ivey family’s wealth. The company was sold to the American Tobacco Company and William retired from active business. William remained very active, serving on the boards of the First National Bank, Lynchburg Foundry Company, YMCA, Ferrum College, among others. He was known as a philanthropist, and was a founding member of the Memorial Methodist Church. Through his Methodist affiliations, William was instrumental in founding the Songdo Station, Methodist Mission in Korea. There, the Ivey Hospital was named in his honor. William and his wife Emma Walton (Moorman) had two children: Edwin C. Ivey and Lillie, who died in childhood. Edwin C. and his family lived next door to William C. at 2018 Rivermont Avenue. Both houses (2024 and 2018) were built in 1903, with J.M.B. Lewis as architect. When William died in 1924, the 2024 Rivermont Avenue property passed to his son Edwin C. Ivey. Edwin then moved to 2024 and resided there from 1926 until 1932. Edwin’ son Edwin C. Ivey, Jr. is listed as residing at 2018 Rivermont from 1926 until 1932. Both houses passed out of the Ivey family by 1933. The current sites of the Peakland Place neighborhood and Presbyterian Homes and Family Services (formerly Presbyterian Orphans Home) are located on farmland owned by the William C. Ivey family. Dr. Prescott and Harriet Edmunds shared these anecdotal notes and family photos with FORHS in Summer 2014. William C. Ivey is the maternal great grandfather of Dr. Edumunds.


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Contact Us

Gerard Sherayko

Department of History

Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
