1919 Rivermont Ave

  • Middle Rivermont
Property Name
Charles Scott Adams House/Virginia School of the Arts
Date Built
J.M.B. Lewis
Single Family
Style & Architectural Description
Colonial Revival. Tall 2 1/2-story, 3-bay hip-roofed brick house with end chimneys, dentil and modillion cornice, and decorative brickwork over doors and windows. Two-story, flat-roofed porch has Ionic columns. Balcony extends above front entrance. Porches on either end. One on west has additional porte-cochere.
  • 1906 C.S. Adams
  • 1907-1943 Unknown 
  • 1943-1946 Lottie G. Adams
  • 1946-1961 Hazel H. Cohen
  • 1961-1970 W. M. & Muriel Casey Jr.
  • 1970-1995 Seven Hills School Incorporated 
  • 1995-2010 Virginia School of the Arts 
  • 2010-2014 Martin & Donna Donovan
  • 2014-Present William Bohn and Jennifer Woofter 
Anecdotal Information
House was built in 1906 for C. S. Adams, and was designed by J. M. B. Lewis. One of the earlier examples of Virginian Georgian-style on Rivermont Avenue. From 1995 to 2010 the property served as dormitory space for the Virginia School of the Arts. The current owners have restored it to a single family residence. For June 22, 2010 interview with former resident Muriel Casey, please see "Rivermont Memories" under "About Us."


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Contact Us

Gerard Sherayko

Department of History

Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
