1915 Rivermont Ave

  • Middle Rivermont
Property Name
O. B. Barker House
Date Built
Stanhope Johnson
Hamilton Brothers
Single Family
Style & Architectural Description
Colonial Revival. 1 1/2-story, 3-bay brichk house with gambrel roof, gable end and chimney, large 3-bay shed-roofed dormer and 1-story porch and projecting entrance bay on the north facade. Door has pseudo-Colonial surround.
  • 1929-1935 O. B. Barker
  • 1935-1973 Lelia B. Peters
  • 1973-1974 Lelia B. Peters Estate
  • 1974-1984 Clyde L. & Helen N. Corlev 
  • 1984 Crispin A. & Barbara S. Schamp
  • 1984-1995 Crispin A. Schamp
  • 1995-2002 Joyce R. White
  • 2002-Present Michelle J. Beck & Thomas A. Rogers
Anecdotal Information
Interview with Thomas Rogers on June 7, 2011: Thomas Rogers moved into his home in 2002. When he bought the property the view of the house was blocked by hedges that he has since had cut back. The house was built in 1929 by Barker Jennings and features a concrete foundation. The house has been updated and now features air conditioning. He and his wife have also built an addition.


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Contact Us

Gerard Sherayko

Department of History

Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
